Browse Packages

Family & Relationships


Application For A Divorce Freemont Family Lawyers

Freemont Family Lawyers experienced divorced lawyers will help you obtain a hassle-free divorce with high-quality divorce law advice and our fast and hassle-free divorce process.
$880 Fixed incl. GST

Family Law Separation Consultation Freemont Family Lawyers

Going through a family law separation brings many changes. The process can often feel overwhelming and frustrating. This must have consultation after separation, will allow you to have a one-on-one appointment with one of our top family lawyers.
$380 Fixed incl. GST
Bryant mckinnon lawyers

Our Services Include: Bryant McKinnon Lawyers

Family Lawyer, Family Law Attorney
$100 Estimate incl. GST

Binding Financial Agreement Also Known As A Prenuptial Agreement Tan & Tan Lawyers

A Binding Financial Agreement aims to remove the power of the Family Court in relation to all financial matters to which the agreement applies.
$1,600 Fixed incl. GST

Fixed Price Divorce No Children Under 18 For A Couple In Western Australia & Property Matters Advice Tan & Tan Lawyers

The “Fixed Price Divorce No Children under 18 for a Couple in Western Australia & property matters advice” package is only suitable for a client whose partner is also residing in Western Australia, who has no children under 18 years of age, who has a marriage certificate in English, who has not been living under the same roof since the date of separation and who needs advice on property settlement matters. The package is not suitable for those clients whose partner is likely to contest the application for divorce.
$1,400 Fixed incl. GST

Consult a Lawyer

Nick cropped

Nick Terziovski

Nicholas James Lawyers

Jacob Carswell Doherty

Foulsham & Geddes
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Terry Dehghani

Davis Zucco Lawyers
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Fraser Lamb

Conatur Legal

Ari Katsoulas

Ari Katsoulas
Clarissa rayward   spring hill29574  crop square 3

Clarissa Rayward

Brisbane Family Law Centre