Browse Packages

Trusts, Wills & Estates

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Advanced Estate Planning Package For A Single Person Crystal Lawyers

This package is suitable for people who have one or more of these: assets in their own name or jointly with others, assets held in a family trust, a blended family, self-managed super fund or business in ownership with third parties. The will with testamentary trusts is suitable for clients who are seeking a long term approach to protecting their assets, tax effectiveness and avoiding disputes upon death. The will can also protect the client’s bequest from creditors of their beneficiaries. The will is useful in circumstances where the client wants to provide for their spouse but are concerned that they may remarry and divert the family assets to the new family. This package includes: - Advanced Will with Testamentary Trusts - Enduring Power of Attorney - Enduring Power of Guardianship
$600 Fixed incl. GST
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Estate Planning Complete Package Chat Legal

Everyone needs a robust estate plan. This package provides you with everything you possibly need to do you with your estate plan for a time limit of two months from confirmation to proceed.
Price on Application
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Estate Planning Premium Package Chat Legal

Everyone needs a robust estate plan. This package provides you with everything in the core and summary packages plus the technical advice if you are interested in it.
$1,980 Fixed incl. GST
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Estate Planning Summary Package Chat Legal

Everyone needs a robust estate plan. This package provides you with everything in the core package plus some summary documents to help document your estate planning intentions in an easy to comprehend manner.
$1,430 Fixed incl. GST
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Estate Planning Core Package Chat Legal

Everyone needs a robust estate plan. This package provides you with everything you need to deal with assets you own personally, as well as confirmation of recommendations to deal with any assets not held personally (such as assets held in trusts, companies, and superannuation). The fixed price is per person, however, a 50% discount is available for spouses who require documents that are substantially identical, (not available for blended families).
$990 Fixed incl. GST

Consult a Lawyer

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Maurice Castagnet

Castagnet Lawyers

Anna Goodluck

Nevile & Co Commercial Lawyers
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Meg Lie

ML&K Legal Pty Ltd
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Yashar Bahmani

Appius Lawyers
Val antoff

Val Antoff

Irdi Legal