A member asked over 7 years ago

Personal possession

I have had a personal possession jewellery taken by my ex when getting his personals he has then sold it to a third party who has sold it to a pawn shop I wanted to know if there is anyway to get mt property bak without having to get the police involved as the other person was innocent in this and had no idea. I am willing to pay to get it bak just completly unsure of my legal standing and overall option or paths I may have available for me to venture down if any and what exactly they are and how best to go about it to resolve the matter, while strongly hoping to avoid police

Law Advisor Research Team
Researchers at LawAdvisor

Hi there. If your property has been sold to a pawn broker by another person, you may have difficulty getting it back. A lot will depend on whether the person who sold the property to the pawn shop knew it was stolen. If the person (or the pawnbroker itself) knew the jewellery was stolen, you may have a stronger chance of recovering the property.

The exact nature of the pawn brokering arrangement is also important. Most pawn brokering arrangements allow the borrower to retrieve their property at the end of the loan period. You may find that, once the borrower has repaid their debt to the pawn broker, they are entitled to take back the property. You should speak to the person who sold the jewellery to the pawn broker about their borrowing arrangement.

Despite the above steps, the most effective way to deal with your issue is to report the theft to police. Taking another person’s property without their consent is a criminal offence. If you report the matter to the police, they may investigate and prosecute the offender. If your jewellery cannot be recovered, and the offender is found guilty by a court, the offender may be ordered to pay you compensation for the value of the property. The police may also be able to help you deal with the pawn broker.

Suggested way forward

You can start by speaking to the person who sold the property to the pawn broker, or the pawn broker itself. You should also seriously consider reporting the matter to the police, as this is the most effective way of redressing the situation. A lawyer can advise you of your legal rights and the best course of action. By pressing the “Consult a Lawyer” button, LawAdvisor can help you search for experienced lawyers and obtain fee proposals for their services. Costs for legal advice and representation will vary between providers based on experience and the scope of services.

Answered about 7 years ago   Legal disclaimer


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