A member asked over 8 years ago

non-compliance with drug testing

What can I do about failure to mention non-compliance with drug testing by my ex in a family law proceeding. The case was set down for a first day of LAT and I asked my solicitor to raise it with the judge and she refused to and the ICL also refused to raise this but raised another order that was not being complied with by both of us. Can I appeal this somehow as the final hearing is not set until next year and the case and the non-compliance with drug testing by my ex has been going for a few years. I was hoping it would be raised and a consequence applied if continued. My son is in my exes primary care at the moment and I am extremely concerned about the drug use

Law Advisor Research Team
Researchers at LawAdvisor

If you are concerned that your son is in urgent danger, we recommend that you make this known to the police or NSW Government Social Services. You contact social services by phoning the Child Protection Helpline on 132 111 at any time of day or night.

Your family law proceeding is a complex and proper legal advice will require someone to sit down with you and go through all the surrounding facts. If you are unhappy with the work your current lawyer is doing, you are free change your lawyer at any time. We recommend that you contact your local legal aid office in order to find another lawyer if this is the case.

Suggested way forward

Alternatively, by pressing the "Take Action" button through LawAdvisor - which opens in early September - we can help you search for experienced lawyers and obtain fee proposals for their services. Costs for legal advice and representation will vary between providers based on experience and the scope of services.

Answered over 8 years ago   Legal disclaimer


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