A member asked over 8 years ago

Innocently charged for drug trafficking

I'm 22 from Germany and here in Australia with a Work and Holiday Visa. On NYE in Sydney I got caught with weed from the Police with a drug detection dog. I had two joints and 0.5 grams with me hidden in a sunglasses case in my bag (that stuff was mine). But going through the rest of my bag they found a huge bag of weed in the back pocket of my bag not hidden at all. I hadn't seen that stuff before this moment and I said that to the policemen. I was hanging out with a lot of people I didn't know that day, one of them must have put it there. 

Now they charge me for trafficking drugs (22.3g)

Should I plead guilty and if yes what would happen?

Or go to court?

Nicholas Stewart
Partner at Dowson Turco Lawyers

You should not plead guilty to the trafficking charge without giving a lawyer full instructions and considering your options. You may be able to defend the charge or you might be able to negotiate a different charge with police.

Suggested way forward

Meet with a lawyer who knows drug laws and get full advice before you enter a plea.

Answered over 8 years ago   Legal disclaimer


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