A member asked over 7 years ago

Australian citizenship by descent

What is the procedure to obtain Australian citizenship for a child born in the UK to a woman who was granted Australian citizenship by descent.
I am a sixth generation Australian. My daughter was born in the UK in 1976 and became an Australian citizen soon after.
In 1982 she came to Australia with me and her father.
My daughter has an Australian passport and is having a child in the UK. She wishes her child to have Australian citizenship.
Is her child eligible for Australian citizenship?

Law Advisor Research Team
Researchers at LawAdvisor

Hi there. Every person born in Australia is automatically an Australian citizen, subject to a few exceptions. A person born outside Australia may apply to become an Australian citizen (by descent) if, at the time of the birth, at least one parent was an Australian citizen. If that parent themselves was an Australian citizen by descent, the parent must have been lawfully present in Australia for a total of two years at any time before the child’s citizenship application is made.

This means your daughter’s child will be eligible to apply for Australian citizenship, provided your daughter has lived in Australia at any time for at least two years. The application process involves submitting identity documents and evidence that one parent was an Australian citizen at the time of birth. Note that fees apply. See the Department of Immigration and Border Protection website for more information (www.border.gov.au).

Suggested way forward

Your daughter can apply for her child’s Australian citizenship online, in person in Australia or at the Australian High Commission in London. For more tailored advice to her situation, she may want to speak to an immigration lawyer. By pressing the “Consult a Lawyer” button, LawAdvisor can help you search for experienced lawyers and obtain fee proposals for their services. Costs for legal advice and representation will vary between providers based on experience and the scope of services.

Answered over 7 years ago   Legal disclaimer

Faizan Zafar
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