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Superannuation Trustee Advisory Subscription

Cost: Price on Application

QMV is in a unique position of bringing extensive technical expertise in remediation, regulatory change, administration technology, and data management in the superannuation industry together with pragmatic legal advice that considers both the nuance of the law and the commercial and operational objectives of superannuation funds and financial institutions.

Items Included:

▪ Initial orientation review of key fund information ▪ Direct access to QMV Legal team ▪ One-hour overview of legal & regulatory developments to management or board ▪ Up to 32 hours per month of pragmatic advice and guidance about legal and regulatory issues that impact your day to day operations ▪ Bespoke Legal & Regulatory Updates applied to client’s business context ▪ Alerts on critical regulatory and legislative developments ▪ Subscription to QMV Legal suite of regulatory compliance obligations via Investigate ▪ Lawyer client relationship and professional privilege ▪ Annual benefit statement template compliance review ▪ Annual website compliance review