Trusts, Wills & Estates

Body Snatching - USA the body of a young deceased woman stolen from its casket.

It sounds like something that belongs in the 19th Century. Sadly for the family of a young deceased woman it is a living nightmare, when they discovered her body had been "stolen" from its casket.  I use inverted commas for the word stolen, for  in Australia a dead body is not capable of ownership and therefore can't be stolen, in the criminal sense of the word.  In the 19th century when Body Snatching was rife (primarily for the purposes of medical research) one of the first criminal cases dealing with the issue, centred around the theft of the cloth in which the body was wrapped and not the body itself.   Grief can have an extraordinary impact on people, to the extent they will behave in ways unfathomable to many.  This USA matter might be a product of grief, but that is no comfort to the family who seek to say their final goodbyes to a person they knew and loved.